Grace Christian Academy

Green Bay 4K-12
Non-Denominational Christian School

Our commission from God is to help families raise up children to be disciples of Jesus Christ, producing wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man (Luke 2:52).

Academically, we present a rigorous Christian education that is independent from and FREE of Common Core content and agendas in all 4K-12 grade levels. Our heart for discipleship has led us to group students in small classes, thereby maximizing student opportunities for academic and spiritual growth.

Through teaching the bible and academia our staff is called to come alongside you, the parents, to raise up a chosen generation of students to live a life of dependence on God in obedience to His Holy Word. So welcome to what God has declared for this educational ministry! Browse our website and learn more about Grace Christian Academy and our mission of “Leaving a Legacy of Walking with Christ!”


We hold to the Biblical world-view in everything we do and teach.


We anchor every part of the day on our savior, Jesus Christ.


Our children’s faith is nurtured in every class, every day.

This year we will stand on Romans 15:5-6 for our yearly school memory verse declaring unity in the body of Christ! “May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Romans 15:5-6

Stay in Touch with GCA

Our Vision & Mission

The vision to found GCA began over 15 years ago while volunteering in a Christian school in an economically disadvantaged area. Since then, the vision has grown by following God’s will in the hearts of dedicated staff, families, students, and volunteers. See what God has done in the lives of those involved and how the work continues to build towards Leaving a Legacy of Walking with Christ!

Grace Christian Academy Mission Statement

Grace Christian Academy is a non-denominational Christian school that exists to disciple students towards leaving a legacy of walking with Christ producing wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man. — Luke 2:52

What Our
Families Say
About GCA

Imeson Family

I cannot say enough about GCA. The teachers there have taken our kids under their wings making them feel welcome, special, and accepted. Since then, our children have grown by leaps... Read More

Jarosinski Family

I can never say enough good about GCA! As a parent of four and trying to lead them well in this fallen world, it is so priceless to find a school that will come alongside us to guide and pour into our children!Read More


There is so much to share what God is doing through this educational ministry.  Are you interested in enrolling?  Have questions about supporting us?  Want to be a volunteer?  Please contact us with your questions and comments!  |  920.785.1276 | 1087 Kellogg St. Green Bay